Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Count Them.... 1, 2, 3.

Naomi, normally a very happy little girl, has sprouted is sprouting some teeth.  The first two were predictable.  On the bottom, front and center.  The third is not where I expected.  On the top, one over from the center.  Don't most kids get those first four in the front and then start working over towards the back??  I'm thinking this means that she might just bust out all eight front teeth really quickly.  Which should be fun.  Either that or she's just going to have a jacked up smile with a big hole in the middle for the rest of her life!  Cute on a baby, not so much on an adult.  She does like to stick her tongue out a lot, perhaps she's just leaving the window cracked for her tongue to get some fresh air?  Whatever the case may be, I think she'll look like this a for a bit longer while those teeth torture her little mouth:

Purely Sleepy

She's getting lots of kisses lately to make her feel better!

My Girl

Luckily, it usually helps and she bounces back to that smiley little wild thing I love!

If You're Happy and You Know it...

Her mouth is shaping up to look a lot like her brother's did at 11 months, which is surprising since her first tooth actually popped through at two months old!  Luckily for me and my mammaries, it went back down and has been dormant under her gums until a few weeks ago.  Now, I'm just going to cross my fingers that she isn't a biter! 

And speaking of biters Lawson, here is the little guy when he was 11 months old with his brand new smile.  Amazing that almost two years have passed since then and now he's working on his two year molars! 

Ah, teething!  The never ending saga....


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