Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jacket Bunnies and Ponytails

Naomi's first ponytail.

My baby is becoming a little girl.

The joy of motherhood is that I get teary-eyed over things like this.

And giddy over things like this

Saturdays this sunny and warm call for an outing and these two were ready!  Though there was a minor discrepancy over who was to be the keeper of the shovel.  Guess who won.

We took a little trip on base today and went on a very successful search for some jack rabbits. 

Lawson was really excited to see the "jacket bunnies."  According to him, jacket bunnies are big and tickle you when you catch them for a hug.  They also have funny ears and huge feet.  He's quite observant.

Catching one seemed like lots of fun, but those jacket bunnies sure can hop fast!

After a little rabbit hunting, we wrangled our little Elmer Fudd for a family photo.  

Naomi was a bit more willing to get her photo taken.  She's been practicing her model glare and has it down pretty well!

See the empty beach?  This is Saturday afternoon.  Most of the seaweed covered beaches in Corpus Christi would be crawling with people.  Seaweed stinks.  This beach had no seaweed and no people.  Just white sand and seashells!  It was perfect!

Naomi was rocking her ponytail again and was quite happy to play with the sand!

I was happy to be sitting next to my man!

Happy all the way down to my toes!

Nothing like a good dose of saltwater and sunshine to brighten up your day!



  1. You take such beautiful photos of your family. What sweet memories of jacket bunnies and pony tails. :)

  2. I love this post and the photos are just so great :)
