Sunday, November 8, 2009

In Your Frog?

For those of you with a blog, you probably know what BlogFrog is. If you don't, you should check it out by clicking on the blogfrog widget in the right column of my page. This widget shows you who has visited your blog (to some degree). So, yesterday, I was checking out blogs and noticed that a certain person had just visited my blog. So I said to my mom:

Oh! So and so just checked out my blog!

Really? How can you tell?

Because they showed up in my BlogFrog.

In Your Blog Frog? What the heck is that?

It's a widget that shows you when other people with blog frog or blogger check your page.

ummm.... oh. (pause, then said seriously) How do you get your blog in the frog???


It was at that point that I realized that until you are pretty deep into blogging, you don't realize how ridiculous it all sounds until it is said aloud to you by someone uninvolved in blogging.

Such as the time I was at my sisters and was, as always, checking out blogs. It was an ordinary day in the blog community and I scrolled down my page to find a handful of new posts to read. Well, soon enough, I reached the bottom of my blog lists and got to the BlogFrog widget. It should be noted, that in blogging, there are blogs and then there are BLOGS. The big blogs that millions of people love, such as MckMama's blog, My Charming Kids or Pioneer Woman. That's when I saw that MckMama had checked my blog at the same time as I'd been checking hers. I had a mild sense of being in the presence of a celebrity. Okay, major. I was ecstatic! My sister stared at me as I got way too excited, repeating, "oh, my gosh! MckMama just checked my blog! MckMama!" To her, I'm sure it sounded like insane babble, not knowing who the heck MckMama was and why I'd want someone, let alone, be excited over some person called MckMama checking in on my blog. I'm not proud to admit it, but I was seriously stoked that she saw my blog! Which, I know, screams "dork". As does being in a position where you find yourself explaining widgets and being asked how you put your blog in the frog, which I still don't know how to explain. I'll be that dork, though, because as silly as it all sounds sometimes, blogging is all sorts of cool and totally puts the frog in my blog. Or the blog in the frog...


  1. Oh I totally get it Kim! I'd be ecstatic to have MckMama checkin my blog out too!

  2. You must see me on your frog thingy. I keep your blog up for your good pics and story-telling.

  3. Glad to see I'm not the only "dork", Adi!

    Nope, you don't show up, Coral. If you become a follower of my blog (also in the right hand column) I think you'd show up.

  4. Hi Kim - I found your blog through BlogFrog and thought I'd come visit and then saw your post was about BlogFrog. Wow! I'm so glad you are enjoying your widgets. If you ever have any questions or suggestions for how we can be even better, please let us know. So nice to discover your blog!

    Holly (co-founder, BlogFrog)
