Monday, November 23, 2009


You know that thick, lovely hair that is achieved during pregnancy? Well, about three months later, it all falls out. Well, not all, but enough that you can make a pretty good sized hair ball by the end of a shower or find your way out of a thick, wooded area by following the trail of hair back out. Then, just when you are beginning to adjust to your new, thinner-haired look, a hair-raising situation arises. Literally. The hair that just fell out in droves, now grows back. A nice new layer of short baby hairs that stick straight up in a postpartum halo dash any and all hopes of good hair days in the months to come. When I was little, my sister brought home a paper doll she'd make with a fro-of-sorts that she named Delightsocket. I am that doll.

And speaking of dolls, check out these two rolling around together this morning. She rocks the baby hair much better than I!


  1. that is a great picture! hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving:)

  2. i've said it many times but i'm so jealous of lawsons love for naomae!

  3. I love Naomi's eyes and expression here.

  4. I am dying laughing...Delightsocket!!!!!!!!!!!! Said in a French accent of course.
