Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Say Lawson, I say LAOSON

Last week Lawson finally started being able to say his name, which was pretty exciting!  Now, after one night on the couch with dad, he's spelling his name a version of his name!!!  I was shocked, as I can't even get him to concentrate long enough to get to C properly with the ABC's.  I guess learning is more fun when it's with someone you don't see ALL the time! 



  1. OMGGGG i was laughing so hard!!! holy cow he's hilarious

  2. I added you to my favorite blogs several weeks ago because your photos are sooooo incredible and beautiful. What a talent you have!!!

  3. he learned that in what, a day??!?!!?! Lawson is like putty in his daddy's hands though so I'm no all that surprised he learned it so quickly. GOOD JOB LAWSON!!!!!
